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This Love Was Out of Control

The Depths

Caraphernalia blasted from my phone as I pulled into my parking spot at work. I looked at it and smiled when I read Mikey across the screen before I answered it.

"Yes my dear" I smiled as I climbed out of my car and walked towards the back door of the tattoo shop.

"Hi wonderful, I just wanted to tell you to have a great day at work" Mike said.

"Aw thank you baby" My hip shoved the door open and I put my purse on the small table in the back room.

"If another fan tweets me asking if we're back together I'm gonna rip my hair out." He laughed.

"Tell them we're trying to work things out" I bit my lip and got the new case for my tattoo gun out of its box. "It's not a lie, they loved us together, give them something to chew on" A smile spread across my face while fumbling with the gun at my station as I switched the black casing to my new shiney pink one.

"Yeah I guesss, it's just, it's our business" I could tell he was biting the inside of his cheek nervously.

"Alright well I gotta go baby, a girl just walked in and I'm the only one available."

"Okay baby I love you"

"I love you too Mikey" I said before pressing end and putting my phone on my small table thing.

I walked up to the girl who stood at the front counter, waiting patiently.

"Hi there can I help you with something?" I grinned, feeling my freshly done smiley poking out from under my lip.

"Yeah I was wondering if you could tattoo my favorite lyric on my side" She pointed to the right side of her rib cage.

"Sure, what's it gonna say?" I smiled and took a sketch pad out from under the counter so I could begin.

"Uhm, it's gonna say Forget Regret" She muttered "Could you do it in script? and have little designs flowing around it?"

"Of course. Pierce the Veil huh?" I started drawing it out, making sure it wasn't anywhere close to what the same tattoo on my side looked like. It wasn't there because of the song, it was something Mike had said to me. That was the reason it was even in the song.

"Yeah, you've heard of them?" She grew excited as she watched my hands move the pencil over the paper.

"I actually went to high school with the drummer" I said without looking up at her.

"Oh my gosh, you're her" She said. I looked up and saw a huge smile on her face.

"I'm who?" I laughed awkwardly.

"You're Victoria"

"That would be me" I smiled beginning to sketch again.

"Victoria Giorianni is going to do my Pierce the Veil tattoo" She squeeled. "I cannot believe this"

"I'm nothing special sweetheart" I smiled up at her as I finished her sketch "Just someone Mike went to school with"

"Don't act like you guys aren't perfect for each other" She giggled and took a look at the picture. "It's gorgeous..." She whispered.

"I'm glad you like it. Do you want it now or do you want to make an appointment for another day?"

"Do you have time now? If you don't that's fine I'll just make an appointment" She questioned.

"Nope, I've got plenty of time, it should only take an hour and a half at the most and my first
appointment isn't until four" Another smile broke across her face as I finished my sentence.

"Okay! How much is it going to be?"

"It'll come up to about $145"

"That's perfect" She fine, nodding her head. I told her to follow me back to my station behind the counter. The girl removed her shirt, leaving her in a bikini top, and laid down on the chair.

"I actually have the same thing on my ribs" I said pulling on a pair of pink gloves.

"Really?" She squeaked.

"Yeah, it was something Mike said to me when we were younger. I never forgot it" I smiled at the memory while I set up for the girls tattoo.

"That's really wonderful" She smiled sweetly at me. I had just finished out linning everything when she started to talk again. "So I don't mean to be nosy, but I really am curious."

"About what dear?" I sat back and stretched, cracking my back.

"Are you and Mike going to get back together? He's always tweeting about how he's on the phone with the 'most important person in his life' and I can't help but wonder if he's talking about you or not"

"Well, we do speak on the phone quite often" I smiled an bit my lip.

"It is you!" She practically screamed.

"Shhhhh! What's your name?"


"Mike loves that name, he says he wants to name his daughter that one day, so he could introduce her to people as La Luna" I rolled my eyes, I could picture him talking about it. He would say 'and this is my
lovely daughter, La Luna sólo que veo'.

"He does?!" Her eyes went wide.

"Yup. It's his favorite"

"So are you guys..."

"I'll let you in on a secret, we're not together right now, but who knows? We'll see what happens when he comes home in two months" A smile covered my face as the thought of being with Mike again crossed my mind. When I finished her tattoo, I covered it with a paper towel and took her up front to pay. She started to walk towards the door to leave once she had.

"Victoria?" She asked turning around.

"Mhmm?" I looked up at her from my sketch pad.

"Do you think, ya know, you could tell me? Tweet me or something? If you guys get back together.."

"What's your twitter thing?" I smiled and took my phone from my station.

"It's @LunaLovegoodx"

"Mike is going to love it, I'll have him follow you too. You'll be the first to know Luna"

"You're going to have him follow me?! Oh my goodness, how about Tony?! I probably sound really
ridiculous right now but oh my goodness!" She gushed.

"Of course! I've got Turtle wrapped around my finger" I winked at her.

"Oh my gosh! I love you so much!" She threw her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"I'll talk to you soon Luna"

"Bye Victoria! Thank you for everything!" She called out as she walked through the door waving.

"Who was that?" Leo said leaning on the counter next to me.

"A fan of the guys. She got Forget Regret on her side" I shrugged and opened a new message to Mike.

'go on twitter and follow @LunaLovegoodx , tell Tony too'

Sure, who is it?

I just tattooed Forget Regret on her side, she realized who I was halfway through

That's the coolest thing I've ever heard, my girl is tattooing our lyrics on our fans

Well yeah I am pretty cool ngl

"Just like yours?" Leo laughed.

"No, I made sure they were different, can't have the EXACT same thing" I laughed along with her.

Don't get cocky! I have to go on now, ttyl baby I love you

Cocky? Never. Good luck baby I love you too


"Crookshanks!" I shouted walking into my apartment. She ran up to me and rubbed her body against my legs as I shut the door. "Hi baby"

I smiled and bent down petting her. She was still small, she barely grew like she should have. The vet said she was fine, she was just going to be a tiny cat. I liked that, she would stay adorable forever. She meowed at me and ran into the kitchen. I followed her, knowing she just wanted food.

"How about we watch some Star Wars" I said before kissing the cat after she jumped onto the counter. Her collar jingled around her neck. I scrunched my face up in confusion and turned the collar so I could see what was attached to it. My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at the little silver locket rested on my fingers. "M-Mikey?" I called out.

I took the necklace from Crookshanks neck and tip-toed around my apartment searching for a reason for the locket to be around her neck. I walked up the hall and stopped in front of my bedroom, staring at the light coming from beneath the door. I turned the handle and stepped into my room. He was there, sitting on the bed smiling at me.

"Hi" He smiled at me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't gonna be back for another week? Mikey did you leave the tour?" I flooded him with questions, staying in the doorway.

"I'm here so I can be with you. No I didn't leave the tour, like you said, we only had one week left. Vic got strep and lost his voice. Now I'm here, with you."

"Mikey you're home" I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his body, holding him close to me.

"I am baby, I'm here" He laughed softly and pressed his lips to mine.

"I almost had a heart attack!" I said holding the locket in front of his face. It sparkled in the light, hanging from my fingers. "Mike..."

"Victoria, I love you more then anything in the world. I'm so sorry about everything that happened between us. I don't want anyone else, be mine?"

* * *

My alarm started going off, pulling me out of my dream. I slammed my hand down on the clock and rolled out of bed, checking my phone. No messages, no missed calls. Just like yesterday, and the day before. Actually, for the past four months now. I haven't talked to Mike for four months. He forgot me. It started almost a week after I did that girls tattoo. He would only answer me with one word, then he just stopped answering. He didn't want me and that was fine. I could forget him just as easily as he forgot me.

Even though he promised he wouldn't.

I moved around in my bed, feeling the soreness on my entire right side of my body from the fresh cuts. I remembered the look he would have on his face if he saw them, but he would never see them again. Even if he came back to me, I wouldn't want him. He made me so angry. But he also made me everything I was.

My body ached as I got out of bed and headed for the shower, the water stinging just like it did in high school. I was a mess. I didn't know what was happening half the time. All I did was work and go home. Leo stopped asking me if he called, and then she stopped asking Vic what his problem was. No one had an answer for me. When I finished, I got out of the shower and headed back to my room, searching for something to wear in the boxes that held my clothes. Everything was packed and I was ready to go back to New Jersey. Today was my last day at work and I was leaving tomorrow. Crookshanks was already at Danny's, I'd sent her over two weeks ago.

When I got to work, I dropped my purse on the table and went to my station.

"You're always going to have a job here if you ever come back" My boss, Dennis, said sitting in my chair.

"I don't think I will" I sighed biting my lip.

"I hope you do" He smiled half-heartedly and looked like he was going to cry.

"Dennis please don't be sad, I don't belong here. I belong in Jersey." I went over and sat in his lap.

"No you belong here, with everyone that loves you, whether you have Mike or not."

"I can't stay" I shook my head.

"I need you here, you can't leave me" I heard Leo choke from behind me. I turned to see her, tears coming down her face in a steady stream. "You aren't even telling anyone? You're just going to be gone when Tony, Jaime, and Vic come to visit? What about when Mike realizes how badly he fucked up, you're just not going to be there?"

I stood up and walked over to where my best friend stood, hugging her when I reached where she was.

"I love you so much Leo and I promise I'll keep in touch with you, Maddie, and Chelsea. I would never forget you guys, you're my best friends." I started crying with her.

It looked like my last day in San Diego wasn't going to be a happy one.


I didn't even realize people read it on there I just stopped updating lol
islesxglaciers islesxglaciers
omfg i read this on mibba!
piercethevie piercethevie

But but... Pwease?:)
Vics_Girl22 Vics_Girl22
But the suspense would be ruined!