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It's now Friday night, it seemed like the week flew by.
Mike was spending every night at my house, and he is spending the weekend with me as well.

I actually felt safer knowing he was with me, I was no longer alone.

We both laid on the couch watching Harry Potter in the living room.

His tattooed arm around my waist, holding me close to him and his other arm I used as a head rest.

"Babe." Mike says rubbing my side and I look back at him.


"You don't have anything planned for tomorrow do you?" Mike asks running his hand down my side to my hip.

"Mm.. No I don't think so, why?" I respond looking into his big brown eyes.

"Because I'm taking you somewhere tomorrow." He leaves his hand on my hip and looks back into my eyes.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask biting my lip.

"It's a surprise Rose." He says calmly.

"Mikeybear..." I say pouting.

I loved surprises, especially Mike's. But curiosity killed me on this surprise.

"Mmm... Giving me cute pet names isn't gonna help... It's just going to get you into more trouble." He says smirking crawling his fingers slowly to my tummy.

I squirm because I'm super ticklish.

"Stop stop stop!!" I laugh as he goes slower.

"Promise me you'll keep it a surprise?" He asks starting to tickle the sides of my tummy.

"Yes!! I promise!! Stop!" I laugh trying to get away from his tickles.

He pulls his hand away and smiles at me.

"That wasn't very nice.." I say pouting.

"Mmm...I know I can make it up to you tomorrow" he says winking.


I wake up to Mike's legs tangled with mine. And my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

I don't notice that Mike's awake.

"Good morning baby" he says in his morning voice.

I jump, startled to see he is awake.

"When do I get to go to this surprise place?" I ask anxious.

"Anytime your ready"

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom getting ready for my shower.

I turn the knob to the hot side and jump into the shower.

I start to hum a random song as the warm water makes me shiver.

I put the soap in my hair when I realize I'm being watched.

I let out a scream.

"Ahhhh! What the fuck?!" I say as I cover myself with my hands.

"Sorry! I have to pee and this is the only bathroom... But damn..." Mike says bitting his lip.

"Well maybe you should try knocking, my shower curtain happens to be shear! Go pee outside!" I say laughing as I throw a shower scrubber at him.

"Actually I didn't really have to pee I just wanted to join you..." He says smirking.


"Fine, fine your wish is my command princess." He says sarcastically while leaving.

I liked Mike a lot, I wouldn't have minded if he came in. But nobody has seen me in the shower before. I also know what it can lead to, and I fear it.

What if I got pregnant? With his baby. He would be in so much trouble. And my parents would never look at me the same. I also don't want to ruin Mike's career. That's why I'm harsh on him about that stuff.

Once I'm out of the shower I finish getting ready. I go to my vanity desk and put my makeup on.

I look in the mirror and see Mike laying in bed on his phone.

He looked ready, unlike me. He had a black hoodie, skinny jeans and a snapback on. His vans were on the ground next to his side of the bed.

"So is this mystery place your taking me...is it far?" I ask applying my mascara.

"Mmm... Like 30 minutes." Mike says getting up.

"Hmmm... Is it a fair?" I ask closing my mascara bottle.

"Nope, better." He says walking over to me.

I get up and look up at him.

"Hmm...your house?" I ask as he puts his arms around my waist.

"No, you'll never guess it baby." He says pulling me close to him.

"There's no time to waste then!" I pull away and run into my closet.

"You sure are stubborn," he says laughing "and when you were in the shower I picked your clothes their on the bed."

I walk out of the closet and look at him then the bed.

Fuck it I'll just wear what he picked out.

I put the clothes on, beanie, black hoodie, and high wasted jeans with my vans.

He sure did know how to dress.

I look back at him.

"Thanks" I say smiling and skip out of the room to the car.


*Mike's POV*

She has no idea where I'm taking her, but I know she will love it.

It's her favorite place, and it's also one of mine as well.

Since we both love it I plan to buy the annual pass for both of us.

I'm taking Rose to Disneyland.

She said that she hasn't been in forever and she misses it.

So I want to do something I know she will love.

I drive and make my exit on Ball Rd.

"Hmm.. This looks familiar... Have I been here? Oh my god, what if I was here in like my past life and that's why it looks so familiar!" Rose says rambling on as she usually does when she is excited.

I just laugh a little driving to a parking lot.

Once I park and we walk into the entrance area she looks around more for a sign.

Once we walk to the gate a smile from ear to ear appears on her face.

"You didn't!!" She says, her mouth open and her eyes filled with excitement.

"I got us annual passes that start today." I say smiling down at her.

"Oh my god Mike! You're the best!" She squeals and hugs me tight.

People watch us, some look like fans.

And right now, Rose looks like a fan. Not my significant other.

I try to ignore it.

"You're the best babe, not me." I say smiling down at her.

She blushes taking my hand and running into main street.

Her eyes fill with happiness.

For once she looks her age.

It's like Disneyland brought the kid in her, back to life.

I watch her smiling as she looks around in amazement.

"Ohh Mikey can we please go to the Tea cups!?" She asks excited.

"I'll do anything as long as it involves you" I say as I put my arm around her waist.

We both walk towards the castle to get to the ride.

For some reason, Rose was different.
But in a good way. I would never have payed for annual passes for any other girl. But Rose was special, even though we've known each other about a month.

I can't deny it, I am falling in love with Rosaline Garcia.


Disneyland is the happiest place on earth isn't it?(;


Update please

xjenniiiiferx xjenniiiiferx

Great chapter (: Can't wait for another update !

LiveItUp LiveItUp

Update please :-)

xjenniiiiferx xjenniiiiferx


aerghhh please update!!!!

LalaGurlinaBox LalaGurlinaBox