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You Said Forever

Stay Away From My Daughter

Mike's POV~

I'd been alone with Savannah just talking and cuddling for about two hours now. I knew Tony wouldn't come back in the room while I was there, but where were Vic and Jaime? I looked down at Savannah who was now peacefully sleeping in my arms and smiled. Even if they abandoned the two of us, we'd still have each other, and that was reason enough to keep going.

The door opened and I watched as Vic and Jaime slowly walked into the room. Jaime looked pissed off and Vic looked like he'd seen a ghost. That could only mean one thing; Tony's drunk.

I carefully climbed out of Savannah's bed and walked over to the boys, ignoring the finally subsiding pain in my midsection. "Is he drunk?" I asked quietly. Vic nodded absentmindedly and Jaime grabbed my arm, dragging me into the hallway. This can't be good.

"Not only is he drunk, but he also called Savannah's little friend Ana over there.Remember her? Yeah, when we got there, his dick was in her mouth!" he whisper-yelled. My mouth dropped. That's just wrong!

I shook my head in disbelief. "That's impossible! She doesn't even live around here!" I pointed out. Jaime shrugged. "I don't know man, but that was definitely her. I took a picture, see?" he said, holding his phone out for me to see. I nearly gagged.

"We can't tell Savannah," I said after I recovered from the shock the picture caused. Jaime looked at me in disbelief. "Why not? Doesn't she deserve to know what kind of friends she has?" he exclaimed. I shook my head. "No, I don't want her mad at Tony or Ana. Her being mad at Tony will only make matters worse, and I don't want her to lose the only friend she has left because of him," I explained.

"But Vic and I are her friends!" he said. I shook my head again. "No, you're her dads. I'm her boyfriend, and she needs friends other than Tony," I replied.

"BOYFRIEND?!" he shouted, making every head in the hallway swivel in our direction. "Shh, and yes. I'm dating your daughter, Jaime, okay?" I said quietly, trying to calm him.

"No, not okay! I know how you are with girls and I know how you and Tony were and I don't want you to hurt her like you did them! Stay away from my daughter," he said, getting in my face. For a smaller man, he was pretty intimidating, but I didn't show any weakness.

"Don't you want her to be happy, Jaime? You're her dad! You want her to be happy, don't you?! I love her, she loves me, and she's happy!" I spat. "You don't love her! It's so wrong for you to do this to her, Mike! And you don't even realize that you're doing what you always do, do you?! You always think you love them, then when your relationship gets to a point where they love you back, you run off! Just like that, you leave them! I don't want that to happen to Savannah! So stay away from her!!!" he retorted.

I drew back. What if I didn't love her? Jaime's right. I've done this to so many people. No. I love her. I really do, and I am going to fight for her. I opened my mouth to speak, but another voice interrupted me.

"Oh my God, he's right, isn't he? You don't love me. I knew it was too good to be true," I heard Savannah say. I looked and she was standing in the doorway, with tears spilling down her cheeks.

"No Savannah! I love you, I promise! He doesn't know what he's talking about. I've never felt this way about anyone but you, and I am sure it's love. Jaime's just mad because of Tony and Ana!" I blurted out. I covered my mouth and she looked up in confusion. "What does Ana have to do with this?" she asked. Before I could reply, Jaime shoved his phone towards her. I wanted to slap him.

Her jaw dropped as she took in the picture on the screen in front of her. She handed Jaime's phone back to him. "She....was my best friend....she knew I had a thing for Tony, but there she was, giving him a fucking blow job," she said more to herself than anyone else. Then it was her turn to cover her mouth.

"I'm sorry Mike, I didn't mean-" she started but I hushed her. "It's okay Savannah. I think we were both confused, and I was drunk, and we both acted on that. Jaime was right, and I know you have feelings for Tony. So go get him, but I suggest waiting until he sobers up," I said absentmindedly. I guess I knew that I didn't really love her, and I guess she knew that she still liked Tony, so neither of us were really surprised.

She hugged me tightly, and we both sighed as we pulled away. "Call him," I whispered in her ear. She nodded and walked back into her room. I sighed again, and made my way down the hall to mine. Well, this is going to be a long three days.


Kind of a longish chapter, but I bet you didn't expect THAT! #plottwist anyways I hope you are still with me, I love you all!



I updated :)

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

girl don't you worry about it, I'm glad you are okay!and You're most definitely not a bitch! ily bbg please don't try again love <3 the story can always wait!

Hey I love you and this story :) I'm sorry for being a bitch and not updating but I was in the hospital for a suicide attempt, I will be updating soon I promise.

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

Omg please don't die Mike

Fucking hate Mike goddammit!!

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21