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You Said Forever

I Cannot Spend Another Night In This Home

Savannah's POV~

Tony and were laughing and splashing about, spinning in circles until we made eye contact, then we stopped moving. He looked at me for a long time and smiled, then leaned in to kiss me. There was something in our kiss that wasn't there when I kissed Mike, and it was strangely comforting. We stayed still, our lips attached and moving in sync with each other, and happy for a few minutes. All good things must come to an end, though, right?

Mike yelled, startling both of us, and surprising Tony so much that he fell backwards into the water. I couldn't keep myself from laughing as he came up gasping for air like he'd been under water his whole life.

"If you two love birds are done turning our pool into a love scene from a cheesy 80's romance movie, dinner's ready. Jaime and Vic are waiting on you guys so that we can eat, so hurry up!" Mike said, looking really annoyed. After he went back inside, Tony and I climbed out of the pool and picked up two towels that had evidently been brought out for us.

After we dried off, I picked up my phone and opened the camera to look at myself. Tony walked over to look into the camera as well, and we both laughed again. We looked like drowned animals! I looked like a raccoon since my makeup was running down my face, and Tony just looked like a wet puppy. He leaned further into the camera and turned my face towards his. He kissed me again sweetly, and I took a picture of it. We pulled apart smiling, and he took my hand, leading me inside to the kitchen.

"It looks good Mike!" Tony praised, and I nodded my agreement. "It thases gud thoo," Jaime said, barely understandable since his mouth was full. I giggled a bit and we all rolled our eyes at Jaime.

Tony pulled out a chair, and motioned for me to sit down, so I did, and he brought me a plate with a large serving of the casserole that Mike had prepared. He sat down next to me and we dug in, no one talking since we were all stuffing our faces.

When everyone was finished eating, Tony and I took everyone's dishes to the sink so we could start on them. Tonight was mine and Tony's night to do the dishes, but I guess Vic didn't trust that it wouldn't turn into another make out session like the pool did, because he walked over there and told us that he and Hime would do them tonight. We both nodded and headed towards the living room where Mike was sitting in the recliner.

I sat down on the couch and Tony plopped down next to me. He and Mike exchanged a look, then they both dove for the remote. They wrestled around on the floor for a good bit, until finally Mike stood up holding the remote over his head like a trophy. Tony walked over to the couch and sat back down, pouting. Sometimes it amazes me how I can be the youngest of all four of them, but still the most mature. I sighed and crawled over to the pouting man beside me. He looked at me for a few seconds, then opened his arms and I curled up into them.

Mike turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until he found Supernatural. I knew Mikey had a man-crush on Castiel, but that's okay. I kind of had one on him too, Misha's pretty hot for an older man, but then again, so was Tony.

I only made it about halfway through the episode before I drifted off, falling asleep to the rhythmic beating of Tony's heart against his chest.

Mike's POV~

When the episode was over, I looked over at Tony and Savannah, who were both asleep on the couch. Savannah looked so adorable curled up in Tony's arms, and they looked like the fit together perfectly. I longed to be the one Tony was holding, but at the same time I wished I was the one holding Savannah. Both of the people I loved were in love with each other, and it was killing me.

I heard laughter in the kitchen and I went to investigate. I got to the doorway, and just stood there, watching Jaime and my brother throw soap bubbles in eachother's faces and hair like little children. Jaime laughed as he made a beard on Vic's face, and Vic kissed him, getting bubbles all over both of their faces.

I looked at them, then turned the other way and saw Savannah and Tony and it struck me how alone I was. I needed to get away. I needed to find someone.

I picked up my car keys off of the small table next to the couch and slipped on my shoes. I can't stay here right now. Grabbing my phone and stuffing it in my pocket, I walked out the front door and headed towards my car. I need an escape.


Awh, Mikey's all alone :( Where do you think he went?

leave your feedback in the comments please n.n and I apologize for the lack of updates and stuff, I've been preparing for school again /.\ yay, right? anyways, Love you guys!



I updated :)

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

girl don't you worry about it, I'm glad you are okay!and You're most definitely not a bitch! ily bbg please don't try again love <3 the story can always wait!

Hey I love you and this story :) I'm sorry for being a bitch and not updating but I was in the hospital for a suicide attempt, I will be updating soon I promise.

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

Omg please don't die Mike

Fucking hate Mike goddammit!!

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21