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Don't Worry, It's Just The End Of The World

Don't Fear The Reaper

*Ashleigh Pov

I woke to Louis shaking my shoulder, "Zeeks! We have to get going now!" She whisper-yelled.

I felt nervous and Vic must of felt it. "I'll protect you Ashleigh, nobody can hurt us as long as you stay in my arms." He whispered in my ear. I snuggled my head back into my chest. It felt warm and comfortable, like I was built for Vic, and he for me. I felt myself involuntarily flinch, when I felt someones eyes burning holes threw my back. Hunter! I had completely forgot about Hunter. I started shaking, just slightly, and Vic knew some how what was going to happen.

"Hey guys I'll be right back." He said, untangling himself from me. He rolled onto the floor, kneeled next to the couch and picked me up, bridal style, like I was as light as a feather, and took me to a back room of the RV. He set me on the bed and closed the door. My shaking was getting worse by the second. I lifted my violently shaking arms to cover my face as tears streamed down them. I curled up into a ball. I felt Vic sit down next to me on the bed and lift my body up and onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhhh," he spoke in a quiet soft tone, "It's going to be okay Ashleigh." My shaking calmed down a little, like when it first started.

I heard someone open the door so angrily I thought it was going to fly off of the hinges. I started shaking very violently.

"What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend you little piece of shit?!? She's mine!" I heard Hunter scream. I suddenly found it very hard to breath. I was making small squeaking noises trying to take in oxygen.

"Hunter calm down! You are making it worse." He yelled, trying not to make me more panicy or anxious.

"NO! SHE'S MINE GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER! SHE AND I NEED TO TALK NOW!" He screamed. I found it even more difficult to breath and my crazy noises were getting louder. My shaking was out of control, and Vic's strong arms were finding it hard to keep themselves around me.

"YOU ARE MAKING IT WORSE HUNTER! I KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THIS, JUST LEAVE HER ALONE." He screamed back. He bent his head down by my ear and whispered. "It's going to be okay, everything will work itself out, but you have to calm down first. Try and rest you head above my heart, listen to it beat, just focus on that." He soothingly said. I listened to what he said and tried to ignore Hunter. My shaking was slowly calming. I felt air fill my lungs, and I gasped loudly, like you do after holding your breath underwater for a while. I exhaled loudly too.

"I SHOULD BE FIXING THIS FUENTES NOT YOU!" He screamed even louder. I felt my shaking getting worse.

"Mike, Tony, Jaime! I need you to get Hunter away from Ashleigh!" He commanded. Sure enough I heard a scamper of feet and a loud thud followed by a string of cuss words and insults being thrown at Vic and I.

I listened to Vic's heartbeat and let his gentle rocking, bringing me back from my panic/anxiety attack. Once it finally passed, I still sat it Vic's lap, completely exhausted, and fatigued.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, looking up and Vic, who stopped rocking me when I spoke.

"I will always be here for you, theres no need to apologize." He kissed my forehead and I drifted off to sleep.


Awwww that ending though! <3 <3



I legit read this in class for ssr (silent sustained reading) and had to write a summary lol best English class ever.

Omfg please like bring tony back from the dead and like make him alive and healthy like Andrew (but tony isn't possessing anybody) bc I cry when I read this now :3 cx

LoveAndDrugs LoveAndDrugs

Please update!!!!!!!!! I love this story sooooo much!!!!!!!

I was reading this at 3am and crying hysterically it was unbelievable I just can't function still omfg

LoveAndDrugs LoveAndDrugs



Ikr that was so sad :'(