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Do you still love me? I am dying to know....

"Promise?" "Promise."

*2 months later*

Jaime's POV~

Well, these past two months have been pretty rough on Mike. Well, on all of us really, since we couldn't practice or perform. But today is the day the tour starts back up again. Everything will change, and Vic will be back to his normal self, no longer stressed out by having to take care of his little brother.
Ever since Mike got out of the hospital, Vic has been really moody. For a short time, he insisted that it was his fault, and resorted back to slicing his wrists again. I am elated that Mike is better, for both his and Vic's good. I couldn't stand to see any of my band members in pain, especially Vic. After I found out that he'd began to cut again, I took his razors and hid them. He's still mad at me for that, but it was for his own good, and he will thank me later.

We boarded the bus with huge grins on our faces. Vic, who was still a little torn up, went immediately to the bunk area and sat on his bed. I followed him, and sat down next to him. "Vic, babe, Mikey's okay now." I said softly. "I know that, but I still blame myself. If I had never dumped Danielle like that, she wouldn't have come back, and Mike wouldn't be hurt, and we wouldn't be here doing this right now," he replied, harshly.

That hurt me, a lot. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore, I thought. Maybe he still would rather be with that bitch. My eyes began to water, and I stood up. I guess Vic saw that he hurt me, because he stood up too and tried to hug me. "Jaime, baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I meant-" He started, but I just pushed him off and walked into the small bathroom, feeling the tears slowly drip down my face. I slammed and locked the bathroom door behind me, and slid down it.

God, you're so dumb Jaime, I thought. You knew this was too good to be true. He doesn't want you.

I heard Vic's quick footsteps stop at the bathroom door. He knocked on the door, and said, "Jaime please come out, babe. I didn't mean it like that, I swear! I'm so sorry Hime...please come out.." His voice cracked on the last part, and I heard him slide down the other side of the door. He doesn't mean it. "Jaime, I love you" he said, voice cracking. It was as if I could hear his tears. That didn't stop me from doing what I did next.

I took out one of Vic's razor blades that I'd hidden in my pocket, and looked at my wrist. It's been too long, my friend.

I quickly pressed the cold metal to my skin, and slid it across. I hadn't done this in years. I was supposed to be the strong one, but here I was. I slid it across my wrist a few more times, until I felt the pain Vic had caused me subside. I stood up, still hearing my boyfriend's quiet sobs through the door. I reached over to the sink and washed my arm and the razor off, before slipping the metal killing machine back into my pocket. I turned and unlocked the door. Sighing, I walked out into the hallway, and Vic gasped. Shit. I didn't have anything to cover it with.

Vic grabbed my arm and inspected the fresh cuts. "I-I'm so sorry Jaime. I love you. Please, you stopped me from doing this....don't do it to yourself," he whispered. He took me to the bunk area and bandaged my wrist, giving me a few bracelets to hide my wounds. We laid in my bunk as we felt the bus pull away from our home. This time, Vic held me in his arms. He began humming one of our songs, A Match Into Water. I was almost asleep when suddenly, he stopped. I looked up at his face.

"I'll promise to stop, if you do," he said to me. I nodded.

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise," I answered.

He then kissed my nose, and went back to humming. I drifted off to sleep in my loving boyfriend's arms.


Kind of a filler, but I will update again today, I promise! So Jaime does it too, huh? Well at least they've both promised to stop. But will they be able to keep that promise?
Thanks for reading lovelies <3 and I almost have 300 views on this story! :D I'm soo happy!
Feedback= quicker update C:



Yo I will update our story in a bit hopefully :)

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

yes and the sequel is up now ^.^ here's the link ------> http://www.piercetheveilfanfiction.com/Story/51950/You-Said-Forever/

kjfgiuhsgjbfdkghvqapoiubgev YES!!!! I LOVE SEQUALS XD THANK YOU!!! but was that the last chapter if your starting a sequal?

musical_sophia musical_sophia

loooove uuuuuuu

kitty kitty

loooove uuuuuuu

kitty kitty