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Do you still love me? I am dying to know....

"Maybe I'm better for you, but you wouldn't know!"

Jaime's POV~

"Why would I love you? We were best friends, and you waited till I was drunk and took advantage of me!" Vic screamed. I stood there speechless. How could this be happening to me?!

"And another thing, now that your sorry ass got Danielle arrested, I found out who I truly love!" he continued. My heart fluttered with hope, but then he turned around to where Kellin was apparently standing, and kissed him right on the lips.

They intertwined their fingers, and turned to walk away. "Vic! Come back!" I screamed, tears flowing down my face. I'd fucked up and lost my best friend. "Vic!" I screamed one more time, but they were already gone.

I fell to my knees and continued to cry out, shaking violently. "Jaime!" I heard someone call, but I was crying to hard to tell who it was. "JAIME!!!" The voice said, louder now. I recognized that voice.

I finally opened my eyes. "V-Vic?" I stuttered, looking up at his worried face. "Yeah, babe. I'm here, you were having a nightmare and you kept screaming for me. It's all okay, I'm here now," he said softly, kissing my nose. It was then that I noticed he had a black eye.

"Oh my God, Vic! What happened to your eye? Did I do that to you?" I asked, suddenly worried I'd hit him in my restless dream. "No, no darling calm down. You didn't do this to me....Kellin did," he said, lowering his voice at the last part, to a point where it was barely audible. WHAT?!

"Kellin?! He hit you?! Oh hell no!" I jumped up, furious. "Jaime no, calm down, it was-" he started, but I cut him off. "Kellin hurt you, Vic! No one is allowed to hurt the love of my life and get away with it!" I screamed, practically running out of the bus. That little bastard was going to pay for this.

*Earlier, Vic's POV*

"You almost broke us up Kellin! I don't care how many times you apologize!" I said, raising my voice slightly.
"Vic! Will you just listen for once?" He said in an attempt to get my attention, but I wouldn't listen.
"No! Because the last time you had to talk to me, you kissed me, and almost ruined one of the best things that ever happened to me!" I said stubbornly.
He sighed in frustration before speaking again. "You know, Vic? Maybe I'm better for you, but you wouldn't know, because you spent so much time distracting yourself from Jaime with useless relationships, that you never even noticed what was right in front of you! I have had a huge crush on you since the first time we toured together, but you never even noticed me! WHy do you think I've stayed single for so long?! Because I can't get a girl? No, I could have any girl I wanted! It was because I was waiting for you!" he blurted, before he could stop himself.

I was even more furious now. Why hadn't he just told me? I could've helped him move on! He looked just as shocked as I was, but he did not take any of it back. "What the fuck, Kells?!" I exclaimed. "Why didn't you just tell me?!"

"Because I knew you would react this way!" He said, clenching his fists. "What way, Kellin?! Huh? What am I supposed to say?" I screamed. "Was I supposed to tell you that you are a dumb ass for feeling that way? Because that's what I'm telling you now! You knew how I felt about Jaime, yet you still were stupid enough to let your little gay crush get this far!" I spat, immediately knowing I had taken it too far. That's when he did it. I didn't see it coming in time, and Kellin hit me right in the eye. I deserved it. I knew that his dad had abused him and called him gay, but I said it anyways.

With that, Kellin turned and ran. Gabe came out of the bus, looked at me, and said "Too far." before taking off after Kellin.

Tony came running over to me and helped me make my way to the bus, since I could barely see out of my eye. We climbed on the now emptied bus, with the exception of the sleeping Jaime, of course, and I went and got ice for my eye.

I sat on the couch and started to relax, when I heard Jaime screaming my name. I ran in there, afraid something had happened, but sighed in relief as I saw that it was just a nightmare. I walked over to his bunk, and began to shake him gently. "Jaime!" I said. it didn't work so I sat down and pulled his head into my lap. He began to shake furiously. "JAIME!!!" I yelled, and finally he woke up. I began to comfort him. I hoped he didn't ask about my eye, but of course he did, and when I answered, he freaked out and went after Kellin. Shit.


Oooh! Drama! Kellin hit Vic!! :O Do you think that Vic and Tony will be able to calm Jaime down before he gets to Kellin? Where even is Kellin? o.O Btw, this is all at like eleven at night the same day Jaime met Savannah, just in case you were confused lol Anyways, I'd love to hear what you think is gonna happen! I hope you are all still with me despite the fact that the previous two chapters were complete shit xD Love y'all!



Yo I will update our story in a bit hopefully :)

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

yes and the sequel is up now ^.^ here's the link ------> http://www.piercetheveilfanfiction.com/Story/51950/You-Said-Forever/

kjfgiuhsgjbfdkghvqapoiubgev YES!!!! I LOVE SEQUALS XD THANK YOU!!! but was that the last chapter if your starting a sequal?

musical_sophia musical_sophia

loooove uuuuuuu

kitty kitty

loooove uuuuuuu

kitty kitty