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Do you still love me? I am dying to know....

"What do I do?"

Vic's POV ~

The car ride back to the venue was long, and uncomfortably silent. I reached over the console and grabbed Jaime's hand tightly. He intertwined our fingers and smiled a bit, but his smile faded when he saw Kellin standing outside waiting for us. I felt his hand tense up. I squeezed it, and said, "It'll be okay, love. I will handle this."
He nodded and we got out of the car. "Vic, I'm so-" Kellin started, but I shushed him. Kellin stopped talking and his face dropped.Once Jaime passed, I walked up to him and grabbed his scrawny little wrist, trying to contain my anger, as I sneered, "Come with me, we need to have a talk."

Jaime's POV~

I quickly walked past Kellin. I had no time to hear any of his bullshit. I stormed into the PTV bus, and apparently, everyone had gathered there. "Jaime! You're back!" Alex, who was sitting on Jack's lap on the couch, exclaimed. I nodded silently and walked to the back of the bus. I didn't feel like being around that many people since I was so angry and emotional. I swear I am worse than a pregnant woman or a hormonal teenager with all these emotions.

I laid on my bunk and put in my headphones. I turned on my "Hurt by love" playlist (don't lie-everyone has one), and put it on shuffle. I don't know what happened between Vic and I, but I felt like by telling him about Savannah, I screwed up.He looked so hurt, but I was too. I was still so confused and hurt by this morning, and I still kind of believed that Vic and Kellin had something going on, even though Vic told me otherwise. Suddenly, the song changed. It was now playing "Gunslinger" by Avenged Sevenfold.

I don't know what brought this on, but a wave of sadness hit me like a forceful punch to the stomach. I cried out, though I didn't mean to. I started sobbing, and I guess Jack heard. He walked back to the bunk area and knocked on the wall as he entered the room. He walked over to my bunk, where I was still laying in a lake of my own tears. He probably thinks you're a big emotional baby now, I thought.

"Oh, Jaime..." Jack said sympathetically. Now I really felt like a hormonal teenager. He rubbed my back, and I faced away from him. "Jack, what do I do?" I found myself asking him. "I don't know, Hime. I don't know." He continued rubbing my back until I fell asleep. What do I do?


another filler augh I don't know how to transition into what I want xC Also, emotional chapter, because I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now. I just watched 55 clean days drain down the sink with blood </3 Stupid humans lol I love you guys though, y'all are like unicorns ^.^ Sorry for the really emotional chapter but I will fix the story soon i promise <3 Love you all and don't screw up like I did. Stay strong <3



Yo I will update our story in a bit hopefully :)

PoshKiwi21 PoshKiwi21

yes and the sequel is up now ^.^ here's the link ------> http://www.piercetheveilfanfiction.com/Story/51950/You-Said-Forever/

kjfgiuhsgjbfdkghvqapoiubgev YES!!!! I LOVE SEQUALS XD THANK YOU!!! but was that the last chapter if your starting a sequal?

musical_sophia musical_sophia

loooove uuuuuuu

kitty kitty

loooove uuuuuuu

kitty kitty