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Remember Me?


Dear Journal,

Last week, we got a call from Alysha... Not the greatest call.
"Alia? It's Alysha... Can I talk to your dad?"
"He's at soundcheck right now..." She sighs, annoyed. "Tell him it's super duper important."
"Alright.. Hold up." I hold up one finger an Austin nods. I run to where my dad was and gave him the phone. "Alysha.. Said it was super duper important." I said and he nods.
"Hey babe.... Yeah.." He looks at me. "There's no possible way that could've happen... Asshole.. Okay.. Yeah, just call as say we'll be there. Yup.. Okay. I love you too. Bye." He hangs up.
Turns out, Joel had made a court date for the three of us. That bitch really wants me back. I don't want to go back to him. I'm extremely happy with my dad and my family. I know Mary understands. I actually talked to her the other day.
"Why don't you call her?" Joel asked. Truth is.. I wanted to. I grabbed my phone an dialed the number. "This is Mary, how may I help you?"
"Mary? It's Alia.." She gasps.
"Alia? Sweetie! Oh my god. How are you? Are you alright?" "Momma, I'm great, I've never been better."
"Oh a sweetie I'm so happy for you. I'm glad you called! How's Penny?"
"She's great as well, she's back in Cali.. I'm traveling the US with my dad right now."
"You found your father?"
"I did. He's in a band, just like I told you...."

She was very happy that I've found Mike again, and that she even wanted to meet him. Why? I don't know. I couldn't tell that Joel was back, she'll go ballistic, and it's not my job to tell her. It's his. Anyway, tour so far has been exciting, despise the fact that Mike and Joel want to rip their heads off.. Well wanted to, Joel went back to SD so he could go see Mary. I just hope she can dump his ass. In three days me and my father have to fly back from Texas to SD just for court, honestly this court thing is making my dad stress, and his stress makes the whole tour stressing. Not the best combo. I don't know WHY we have to go. I'm 19, which means I'm technically an adult, meaning by myself, meaning there's no need to fight.. But apparently Joel lied of my age and said I was 18. Doesn't it still count? Stupid ass. The PTV kids(me,Steph,Kitty and Dani) have been unseprateable (I think that's a word) we go eat together, we sleep at the same time.. It's weird, even I get freaked out, more than it freaks out our dads! Oh! Jaime and Jess are getting married again! Yay!!! And guess who's a braids maid! This girl! I'm even helping Jess look for her dress! Dani is just the happiest girl right now, after a decade of a divorce, they finally realize that they have to be together. They're a puzzle! Me and Bryan haven't talked for a little while, but Penny says he's being a good boy. I miss them. I've never been this long without Penny at my side. It's like she's my soulmate. Haha! But it's true, we're like an old married couple. Oh! I talked to Jerry, guy from Hottopic. We caught up in each other's life, turns out that he has a girlfriend, and is already a father. Oh, that baby boy is so adorable! Jerry was in my group with Penny. Penny and him were friends when I entered the orphanage, and accepted me with wide arms. So I did lie about only having ONE friend there. Anyway, he was adopted first, and we didn't talk after he left. Well, not entirely true.. But yeah. The communication was to the minimal. He and Bryan got to know each other and are like... *crosses fingers* that close. It's crazy, Jerry's a great guy, and a good dad, I'm glad I have an old friend in my life again. That makes.... 8 people in my group! Yay! It's an even number! Whoop whoop! That's all I have for now, I will write to you more often... I miss this.
Lol xD

I still want a real tiger

. -Alia.



plz plz plz do it.!!!!

Ahhh! Sequel?! Please?

piercethewhat piercethewhat

I may or may not do a sequel!!



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