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Crooked Young

It Never Ends


Being a senior in high school was an odd thing to say the least. One minute teachers would be talking to you like a friend and the next they'd be screaming at you like you were five again. It was kind of a bipolar relationship, and knowing where you stood was almost impossible. In saying that though, Tony Perry seemed to have a pretty good grasp on the whole thing.

"You know I want the best for you," said Mrs Henderson, her words floating down the quiet hall. I pretended not to be listening and carried on pinning posters to the bulletin board. "You have to cooperate, and these constant sly remarks aren't going to up your grade. I know this is all a joke to you, Tony, but I'd love it if you at least took my class seriously."

"It's all just so bullshit," Tony responded, displaying a perfect example of how, when the relationship reached a certain stage, swearing was accepted by teachers.

"Is there something going on? Girlfriend troubles perhaps?"

"I don't date," Tony retaliated in a monotone voice. I heard the teacher sigh in exasperation, and could only imagine the face she was pulling.

"Just try and get through this period. Okay?"

Tony let out a huff before the sound of his shoes scuffing along the ground echoed through the corridor. Soon after that, a door creaked open and was quickly shut.

Pushing a tack through the last poster, a sign up sheet for the school's upcoming production of Hairspray, I ran my fingers through my fringe before standing back to evaluate my work. Content with where I'd put everything, I decided to head back to class.

Upon reentry, I was greeted by my English teacher with a thankful nod. I reciprocated the gesture and rushed to my desk, wasting no time in beginning the work we'd been assigned. Although a short horror story would usually have engaged me, it didn't that day. My mind just kept wandering back to the sound of Tony's voice as he said 'I don't date'.

This thought - this lingering, pestering thought - soon faded to the back of my mind. Before I knew it, my legs were speed walking towards Elise's car, which she was using as a prop for her ever-ongoing attempts at luring males in.

"Stick your ass out anymore and you'll get an STD," I teased, opening the passenger door and swinging my bag in.

"I wish you had a crush," she whined, "why aren't you a romantic little shit?"

"Since when does romance mean being boned by a guy in the KFC toilets?" I retorted cheekily, sticking my tongue out and then ducking into the vehicle. It was moments before Elise joined me.

The journey home was... exciting. We ran one red light, nearly swerved into a bush and then proceeded to honk the horn and things not worth honking the horn at. Overall, as usual, it was a good end to the day.

Thanking Elise for the awakening drive, I clambered out of her car and rushed up the path to my house. I shoved my key - which was drowning under a bunch of keyrings that I'd collected over the years - into the door, and entered as fast as I could so I was able head upstairs before my dad had time to moan at me.

As I entered my room, I felt something buzz in my back pocket. I tossed my heavy bag down on my bed and then plopped myself next to it, pulling out my phone.

From: Elise
Forgot to tell you.. there's a party Friday night!! We're going btw. You're not getting out of it. K, ly, bye x

Smiling down at the device, I chuckled to myself before tossing it over my shoulder and starting my homework. Elise's funny ways never got old, and even though I I knew I would never be able to go, it still made me grin like a fool.

Lighting my last cigarette, I rounded a corner off the street I was on and began to wander down an alley. Light beamed in from either end, leaving the center in darkness. I inhaled, shutting my eyes as the nicotine powered through me, and then exhaled. I rested against the cold brick wall and looked down at my worn Vans as I took another drag. It was bad, but it felt so damn good.

Even though I knew the hour following my treat would suck (because I'd have to find a way to rid myself of the smell), I let myself relax in the cool air and my mind wander. Being away from my dad made me feel better, no matter how long it was for. Sometimes, I just needed a break. Sometimes, I just wanted to run away and never look back.

"Fancy seeing you here," exclaimed a voice, their words booming through the shady alley and pulling me out of my daydream.

Flicking the ash to the ground, I glanced in the direction of the voice to see Tony approaching me, snapback on and hoodie up. His tall figure slowly came towards me, maroon top pressing against his chest and stomach as the slight breeze blew against him.

"Do you always hang out in creepy alleys?" I questioned.

"No," he said coolly, leaning next to me. The back of his hand brushed mine, but he seemed unfazed. "Are you going to that party of Friday?"

"I wish," I scoffed, imaging how mad my dad would be at even the suggestion of such a thing. The thought made me slouch down a little as I felt a pathetic wave of defeat wash over me.

"What are you doing instead? Just chilling with your boyfriend or whatever?"

I giggled at his question. Me? A boyfriend? No. "Ha, not quite. My dad is super strict, he would never let me go."

"Oh," Tony nodded, an oddly pleased tone to his voice. He pushed himself off the wall and spun round so that he was almost pressed up against me. Almost.

"We have to go then," he said simply, his dark brown eyes staring right at me. Although I felt like he couldn't be any closer, he wasn't technically touching me, so my body only tingled in anticipation.

I flatly told him that it wasn't going to happen, that I wouldn't risk it. In response, he just moved his hands to either side of my head, face edging closer. "We. Have. To. Go."

What is his problem? I can't go. Why does he even care?
"There is no 'we'," I pointed out.

Tony smirked - his dermal piercing catching the sun as his cheek rose - and slowly blinked. He seemed to be analyzing something, but I had no idea what. As the wind whistled between the small gap separating our bodies, his hand moved on to my waist and he pulled my body closer to his. The warmth of his cautious embrace sent my mind into a flurry.

"I'll see you there," he said huskily, and with that, he left.


sorry for disappearing.. absolutely fucking drooowning in school work right now! I'm not happy with this update at all:/ i waned to post something though, so there you go.. :S

anyway, thank you for reading!<3



Your such a good writer I love this story between these two ♡ :D

MegPerry22 MegPerry22

@eliseypoo aw i hope you liked your character then haha, and awesome.. ill see you there :) enjoy!

It took me like a day and a half to read all of this! Of course, I didn't sit and read for a day and half, but between work and school, that's how long it took.

first of all, my name is Elise, and reading this story is weird because I keep seeing my name hahaha.

And second of all, I somewhat expected that this would happen with Meg. It was still shocking though. They're all going to be so distraught.

I can't wait to read the sequel! I'm going to go read it now :)

eliseypoo eliseypoo

WHAT??!?!?!?! Can't wait for the sequel!!! Wasn't expecting that ending!