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Fresh Start Fever

A Bottle Of Jack

The plane touched down in New York; dull, rainy New York. The last time I was here, it was beautiful and sunny but today after a 7 hour flight, it felt like it was the worst place on earth. I stood up and stretched out, trying not to punch Stephanie in the process. Oli stood up from the row infront and smacked his head off of the overhead compartments. I bit my lip to hide my laugh as he looked around to see if anyone noticed. He smiled to himself in relief and I couldn't hold my laugh in anymore. He turned to me and rolled his eyes. "Shut up" He mumbled, turning a slight shade of red.

I leaned on the seat infront and tilted my head to the side. "Don't it suck being tall" I smirked.

He picked up his bag and put over his back. "You're tiny Case. So tiny that you don't even need to get on your knees to suck my dick" He said nonchalantly.

My mouth gaped open and he smiled with amusement. I tried to think of a witty comeback when Stephanie wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged into me from the side. "Why didn't you wake me when we landed babe?" She asked.

"I was just about to" I leaned my head on her.

"This could end well in my favour" Oli smirked at us.

"In your dreams Sykes" Stephanie flipped him off. He just stuck his tongue out and walked off the plane. "Let's go" She whispered.

We both got our bags out of the overhead compartment and exited the plane. Stephanie grabbed my hand walked through customs like we were a lesbian couple. "Steph, why you holding my hand?" I asked.

"Makes the American boys think we're edgey and maybe help you get a hook up" She leaned into my ear.

"I don't want a hook up" I laughed. She swung our hands as we walked. Oli was a few feet infront of us, looking at his phone. I wonder who he's talking to our texting?

"Yeah but it can't help to up your chances babe" She joked.

"You're such a fucking freak" I shook my head and laughed.

"That's why you love me" She kissed my cheek and then ran backwards to get Matt. I didn't notice that Oli stopped walking and I slammed into him.

"Watch out there, love" He laughed as he placed his hands on my shoulders to steady me.

"Sorry mate, wasn't looking where I was going" I looked up at him.

"S'alright babe, now tell me; did you have a nice flight, didn't talk to you much throughout" He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we continued walking.

"Was alright, I fell asleep after like 20 minutes then woke up an hour ago" I told him. "What about you?" I asked.

"I know, you were snoring really loud so I had to pinch your nose to shut you up but you tried to slap me you noisy fucker" I slapped his stomach. "Ouch" He mumbled.

"It was a real good sleep" I smiled to myself, thinking back on my dream.

"Well, it seemed it since you were dreaming about me" He pointed out. My head snapped round to look at him and I stoppped dead in my tracks.

"You what?" I asked feeling panicked.

"Oh Oli, that was really nice do it again" He said mimicking me. I felt my cheeks flush and closed my eyes to avoid his stare. "It's alright Casey, wouldn't be the first time you've subconciously moaned my name in pleasure" He smirked.

"You're such a dick Oli" I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He acted shocked. "It's like you don't know who I am?" He said dramatically.

"Oh I know how you are Oliver" I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa, whipping out the Oliver, you used to only use that in compromising..." He looked me up and down and smirked. "Positions".

"Why are you like this?" I shook my head.

"Don't say you don't like it" He winked.

"Oi, lovers or whatever we have places to be!" Nicholls shouted at us.

"Fuck off wanker" Oli shouted back. I continued walking and Oli followed suit.

After we got our luggage we went out to the car park where the bus was parked, waiting for us. We went inside and picked our bunks, which ended up with Oli and me across from each other. I lay in my bunk trying to stop the view infront of me from spinning but my head really hurt. It was worrying me now that after 3 months of constant headaches, I felt as though ignoring it would make it go away but... it doesn't. "Case" I heard from outside my bunk. I opened the curtain to see Matt standing there, a sheepish look on his facs.

"What's up?" I asked, moving to the side to let him jump in. He nearly fell in the process, which was hilarious.

"You seemed sad earlier" He frowned.

"I'm not sad, just feeling really off" I sighed.

"Why though? Stephanie has been telling me that you're getting headaches again. Have you went to the doctors?" He asked.

"Yes" I mumbled quietly.

"And?" He questioned.

"Nothing has came back yet so it's probably nothing, just I don't know lack of sleep" I shrugged.

"I hope so Case" He pulled me in for a hug then climbed out of my bunk. "We're going to a bar in the city in a bit... fancy coming?" He asked.

I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that" I smiled.

When he walked away I realised Oli was lying in his bunk when I seen his curtain shut quickly. I jumped down and pulled it back quickly. "Oi, what you doin'" He asked with frustration.

"Evesdrop much?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't" He lied. I made a face at him and walked away.

-Later that night- Stephanie made me dress up with her but I didn't feel that great, meaning I looked good but felt shit. She looked amazing as per, no wonder my brother was head over heels for her. We had gone to this New York nightclub that was very loud and people were way too chatty. I leaned on the bar and looked out into the crowd. "What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in a club?" I heard a voice ask me.

I looked to my right to see Oli. What the fuck was his accent doing. "Why the hell did you just talk to me in an American accent?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Just playing the part" He winked. He nodded to the bartender and he came over. "Four shots of JD, your finest beer and whatever she wants" He nodded to me.

"Vodka and Coke please" I smiled sweetly to the guy behind the bar.

Oli stood sat down on a stool and became the same height as me. "I'm seeing the world from your level" He said looking around. "It's shit!" He was trying to wind me up.

The bartender brought our drinks to us and I thanked him. "Thanks Oli" I smiled as I took my drink.

"These two are for you by the way" He said handing me the two JD shots. "You gotta do shots with me" He flashed me a grin.

I raised an eyebrow and threw back the two shots. He just stared at me, holding his in his hands. "Looks like you can't keep up with me, wouldn't be the first time" I winked at him, picked up my drink and then walked away to find Stephanie.




There's a final installment :')

who's the writer? Godsake. I cried a lot. Can't take it :(


No no no please just change the end it can't end like that! She can't die! please im begging you! :'(