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Hail Mary, Forgive Me

Hello Fascination

Tony’s POV

I woke up, softly groaning from falling asleep. I looked around the bed, noticing Natalie was gone. I remembered what happened last night and I laid back, thinking. Mike and Vic both called it a night and they went to their separate rooms. Jaime was too excited about today that he couldn’t sleep. Natalie had fallen asleep on my shoulder so I had brought her to my room to sleep, which had me sleeping too. I sat up, going to my closet and grabbing a random KeyStreet shirt with dark blue jeans and my hat. I changed, going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I walked out to see Vic and Mike talking a bit and Vic looked over at me.

“Good morning Turtle. How did you sleep?” Vic chuckled.

“If you even slept.” Mike muttered.

“I heard that. I slept fine, why?” I asked, grabbing the milk and a bowl.

“We woke up and found Jaime all giddy on the couch; he said he was taking Natalie with him once she woke up to the airport with him.Not even ten minutes later, she came out from your room. They both went to pick up Linda.” Vic smiled, as I sat next to him and pour the milk on my bowl.

“Well, at least she can meet Linda.” I poured the Frosted Flakes in my bowl and ate a bit, looking around. I remembered last night and how I kissed her and I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Mike looked at me and chuckled.

“What are you smiling at Tone?” He asked me. I shrugged, looking at my cereal, pretending I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Mike.” I laughed. Mike laughed as well and Vic looked at the table. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. He looked at me and sighed.

“Do you know why Natalie doesn’t like celebrities?” He asked me.

“Because some are self-centered asshole. She told me.” I told him. Vic looked at the table again and played with the cap of the milk gallon.

“She used to date Beau Bokan from BlessTheFall.” I furrowed my eyebrows and Mike looked at him.

“I thought he had Lights.” He asked.

“This was a little before her. Her friend wanted to meet them and she tagged along. I guess Beau found an interest in her and they dated while he was here. They were really happy, you could see it. Especially Nat. But when he went on tour, she found out he was making out with Lights. It broke her heart and he tried to get her back but she denied him. She was crying when she told me.” Vic said. I felt my heart sink that Beau would do something like that to Natalie. She was too beautiful for him to do that. I looked at my bowl and sat back into the chair.

“How did you find out?” Mike asked.

“Last night when I went to ask her if she wanted to come over she was crying. She told me she missed her brother but I pretended to buy it, not really believing her though. She said she needed to put some things away and it was a photo album filled with photos of her and Beau.” I shook my head and looked at them.

“No wonder she doesn’t like celebrities or trust them.” Vic nodded and the door opened. Jaime walked in with Natalie right behind him and Linda with her arms wrapped around Natalie. They stepped in and Linda grinned.

“Surprise!” She happily shouted and in walked Elsie and Sammi. Mike stood up, having Sammi run to him and kiss him. Elsie wrapped her arms around Vic as he hid his face in the crook of her neck.

“I thought you both weren’t getting her until a few more days!” Vic grinned at Elsie.

“A totally lie! We had to say that so you wouldn’t know about the surprise!” Elsie laughed. The two girls switched and Linda let go of Natalie, running to Vic and Mike to hug them. I looked over at Natalie who smiled at Jaime. He chuckled, patting her back and walking over to the girls. Natalie looked at me and I smiled at her as she walked over. I noticed she had her uniform from work on and I figured she had work today.

“Sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going this morning. You just looked so nice sleeping, I felt bad waking you up.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around her waist and bringing her closer to me.

“A simple sorry isn’t going to cut it.” I smirked at her. Natalie brought my face closer and kissed me softly. I wrapped my arms tighter and I felt a sight tug on my shirt. I pulled away, seeing Linda giggle and Sammi look away. Elsie giggled, holding the hem of my shirt and shaking her head.

“Okay love birds, Nat has work and we really need to catch up on so many things. Especially this:” She pointed at us.

“She’s right.” I’ll see you guys later tonight if not tomorrow. Bye guys.” Natalie gave me a quick kiss and waved at everyone as she walked out the door.

Normal POV; A couple days later.

I sat on my couch, thinking about the last few days I’ve spent with the guys. Linda and Elsie have been really amazing and they are really talkative. We don’t really go out as girls mainly because they want to stay with the guys after being without them for so long. We all got along very well and they all made me feel part of the group.

Everyone except Sammi of course. When we had picked her up at the airport, they all hugged Jaime and I but she only greeted Jaime. She completely ignored me. I didn’t bother speaking to her since I was used to people ignoring me. But other than her, the other two girls were really nice to me. I laid back into the couch, listening to the silence around me before giving up and walking over to my closet. I picked out a random outfit, my small back bag and carefully placed my camera in. I grabbed the keys to my home and walked out, locking the door behind me. I walked out to the back stairs and climbed them to the top. The roof door was opened and I walked out, enjoying the nice autumn breeze that was blowing. I walked to the edge of the building, sitting on the ledge and looking out. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out seeing Tony’s name pop up. I couldn’t help but smile.

Tony: Hey what are you doing?

Natalie: Nothing, just chilling here on the roof. What about you?

I looked back over to the street and saw how high up I was. The buildings around were taller but I still felt too frightened to even look down anymore. I saw a few people in the building. A woman was cleaning her kitchen, there was a little boy playing with his dad and a few toy trucks. In one, there was a guy pacing the floor and thinking hard about something. I turned my attention back to the streets and sighed.My phone vibrated again and I checked it.

Tony: I was going to scare you, but what if you fall off? Turn around please?

I let out a small laugh and turned my head seeing him standing by the door. Tony smiled at me, walking over and I let him sit next to me.

“What’s on your mind?” He asked. I shrugged, looking around.

“Nothing really, I just wanted fresh air I guess.” Tony nodded; sitting and looking around. I was too busy looking at the horizon filled with lights of cars and buildings that I didn’t notice that he had grabbed my hand. I looked down at our intertwined fingers and back at him. He smiled shyly, looking at our hands.

“Is this okay?” He asked. I smiled, nodding a bit and looked at our hands again.


“Natalie-“ We both spoke at the same time and I giggled, looking at him.

“I’m sorry.” I giggled. He shook his head and allowed me to speak first. “I was just wondering about that kiss earlier… What does that make us now?” He smiled, getting a bit closer and looking at me.

“I was actually going to bring that up.” He shyly said. I felt butterflies flutter n my stomach the way he looked so shy. “I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend.” I looked at him, making sure he was being serious and I smiled.

“Yeah.” I hugged him. Tony returned the hug and we pulled back a little. He lightly kissed me and I returned it, feeling happier than I have ever felt. We pulled back and he smiled, looking away. I looked over at the horizon and let out a small laugh.

“What?” He asked me.

“Nothing, just thinking that I haven’t been this happy in a really long time.” Tony smiled, kissing my cheek and pulling my hand.

“What do you do for a living?” I asked Tony. I felt Tony get a bit tense and bite his lip.

“I design clothing for a small company.” I smiled and he returned it.

“Is that why you guys are so rich?” I asked him. Tony shrugged and rolled his eyes.

“Come on babe, it’s late and the girls have something planned for us tomorrow.” I followed Tony back inside and he walked me back to my home. “Good night.” He whispered, hugging me. I hugged him back, kissing his lower cheek.

“Good night.” Tony playfully bit my cheek and I giggled, pulling away. I walked inside my home and leaned on the closed door, sighing happily.


Title Credit: Breathe Carolina.


I'm sorry, I love you guys a lot. I'm grateful for all of you guys. I'm just sleep so good night mate!


@Beautifully Destroyed
The link for the sequel is up! Hope you guys like it! :D
Sequel?!?! Please?!?
Bandomsgurl Bandomsgurl
Please write a sequel
please right a sequel?!?! They need to be together my heart can't handle this hahahah
Ahhhee I loved it soooo much please write a sequel?!?!?!?!