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Save Me -Jaime Preciado

Southern Constellations

~4 week time skip, Brianna's pov~
I woke up to a strange feeling in my gut and saw the alarm clock, it was 1:22am. I sighed and tried to fall asleep again, but the feeling got worse. I got up and started walking to the bathroom, then broke out into a run and flipped the toilet top up and lost all of my dinner. I leaned back after I was done and wiped my mouth with toilet paper. I flushed the toilet and went to the sink and stared at my reflection. I was pale and sweat matted my hair and dripped down my face. My eyes were watering and my throat burned. I heard footsteps and saw Jaime behind me. "Did you get sick?"
"Yeah, maybe dinner didn't agree with me, I get sensitive sometimes," I explained. "Or maybe it's my ti...oh."
"What?" He asked, looking really confused.
"I'm late.." I stopped as his eyes widened and he bit his lip, smirking.
"Don't jump to conclusions, we'll get a test when the drugstore opens," he hugged me.
I pushed him away and he gave me a confused look as I dropped to my knees in front of the toilet again and threw up and started dry heaving since there was nothing left. He held my hair back and rubbed my shoulders. I stood up, "either I'm pregnant or there's something really wrong with me, but nothing hurts I just feel gross and bloated."
"It'll be okay and we'll get a test later. Just try to sleep now," he picked me up and carried me to the bed and I fell asleep.
I woke up to an empty bed and ran to the bathroom to just start dry heaving again. I saw the box of pregnancy tests that Jaime must have picked up since it was already 11am. I took one out of the wrapping and followed the instructions, then I had to wait twenty minutes.
I walked downstairs and saw Jaime at the table with a coffee cup in hand. "I took the test, now we just have to wait," I told him as I set the timer on the microwave for 20 minutes. The time seemed to not move as I paced around the kitchen, sipped on tea and watched the news.
When the timer was almost done, the door opened and Tony, Mike, and Vic ran in. Mike ran past all of us yelling 'bathroom' repeatedly and ran up the stairs. I tried to get him to stop since the test was in there and Jaime and I ran after him, but we were too late and he shut the door.
Seconds later he opened the door holding the test with his eyebrows raised. I paled and tried to grab it but he held it above me. "Let me see it!" He shook his head and I pouted, "then at least tell me what it says, it's.." I trailed off as I felt my stomach lurch and spilled all of my breakfast into the garbage can by his feet.
"Gross," Mike said as he dropped the test and Jaime grabbed it. Mike walked out of the room and I washed my face off.
"What does it say?" I asked him and he looked down.
"It's..." he looked at the box which said 1 line was negative and 2 lines was positive," it's positive."
We looked at each other and smirked and he grabbed me, holding onto me. We heard a throat clear and looked to see the guys outside door, "what's going on?"
"I'm pregnant," I smiled at them as Jaime helped me up. Their jaws dropped, but they then smiled and hugged both of us.

(hope you like it since I most likely won't be able to update much until August 18th)


@Mercedes Perry
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_
thanks I like that :)
Mercedes Perry Mercedes Perry
Misery Business? C:
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_
sure :)
Mercedes Perry Mercedes Perry
Make a sequel! Please!!!
Honesty's_Lies_ Honesty's_Lies_