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We Celebrate the way the night hides scars

I'm Sorry.

When I got back to my hospital room, Austin met me at the door. The nurse had helped me walk back, so Austin relieved her of me and she left. He sat me in the chair, he then sat on the edge of the bed across from me, “Emily, are you okay?”
I didn't reply, hell I didn't even look at him. I was still in shock, so I wasn't crying. I was just sitting there, staring blankly as Austin tried over and over again to get my attention, just to get me to respond. But I was so lost; I don’t think that he could even bring me back. I was traveling further and further into my own mind, losing myself.
“Nurse! Can you come in here please!” Austin had tried everything but I wasn't responding, I couldn't respond.
A different nurse had come in, she had checked my eyes, and did every test she could think of to make sure that my nervous system was working, which it was. She went into the hall to get my doctor, they came back in my room and conversed with Austin on the options that they could do. There were a couple more tests that they could do to make sure that my natural chemicals were still balanced and Austin agreed to it; anything to get me back.
For the next hour, there were nurses coming in and out of my room, checking on me. One of them came in and took about 3 or 4 vials of blood so they could do their tests. Austin was by my side every minute. He didn't get up to use the restroom, get a drink, anything. He sat by as nurse after nurse, doctor after doctor, tried to get me to snap back. But I knew that none of them would do it. I was just so lost in my own mind and emotions, I don’t think that I could even bring myself back; I was just so far.
I noticed my phone started ringing, but all I heard were muffles; I didn’t hear what ringtone was playing. Austin answered it and was talking to them, I didn’t know how long it had been, I didn’t even realized he hung up and put my phone in his lap to talk to me. But he was like my phone; I couldn’t hear him. He was right next to me and I couldn’t hear a single word from his mouth. Time was just going so slow; everything was in slow motion. I saw more figures rushing towards me at once, all of them trying to get me to come back, I suppose.
I couldn’t make out any faces or voices. One figured pushed through the crowd that was around me and cupped my face, I couldn’t tell who it was, not until I heard him. “Emily please, come back for me. Please I’m begging you. Come back, I need you to come back.”
What? He’s here?
“Emily, please. I love you, Emily. Please come back. ” His voice echoed in my head
I can’t believe you’re here! I missed you!
“Emily, I know you can do it.”
I’m coming; I’m coming!
I was trapped in my own head; I couldn’t find a way out. All I heard was his voice, trying to pull me out. “Come on, Jellybean. I believe in you.”
I answered him, but I don’t think that he can hear me. I’ll just yell louder, where are you?
“I’m right here, right beside you.”
I can’t find you!
“Just follow my voice, Em. You’ll find your way back, you’re not gone forever.”
Please don’t leave me! I’m trying to find you; it’s just so hard. Please don’t leave me! I cried in fear of being alone.
“I won’t leave you, I promise. I know it’s hard, but you can do it. I believe in you.”
I believe you; I’ll try my hardest. It got to the point where I couldn’t see anything of the real world; I was so far into my own head I couldn’t see anything normal. I was running through a long white corridor with many, many doors’ opening and closing every one trying to find him.
“Just follow my voice, you’re getting closer and closer with every step you take.”
I’m running! I promise, there are just so many doors!
“I know you can do it, come on.”
Okay, okay. I’m so excited to see you!
“Come on, Em. I can’t wait to see your smiling face.” He sounded as if he was crying.
This is it! I think I found it! There was one door left, so I opened it. The light was so bright; it took a minute for my eyes to adjust. When they did, I saw his face.
“Dakota?” my voice croaked and he smiled, tears still falling from his eyes, “Yeah, it’s me. I’m here.”
I started crying and latched onto him, burying my face into his chest. “I missed you so much.” I started sobbing as he held me tighter, “I missed you too, Emily. Charlie called me when you got in the accident and I couldn’t make it here until a little over an hour ago. I am so sorry, Emily. I should’ve been here.”
That’s when it hit me; Charlie really was gone… forever. “I can’t believe she’s gone. I didn’t even get to tell her that I loved her.” I cried even harder, a nurse came in, “Oh my goodness! She’s back! How did you guys get her to come back? I need her to come with me right now so she can go and get a CT scan.” I looked up just as she was about to pull me off of Dakota, Aliyah grabbed her and pulled her back while shaking her head, “No, don’t pull her away yet. She just came to; he was the only one who could bring her back. Give them a minute.” I tried to give her a smile, but when my eyes traveled over to Tony, I started crying again, harder than I was before. It’s so horrible he lost her too. I lost someone who I loved like my own sister, but he lost someone that he loved with everything he had and more. I now know how Jaime felt when he lost Jessica; how I can I blame him for going back to her. If I had someone who I loved with everything I had and more, I would do everything in my power to keep them with me. After what seemed like forever, I somehow swallowed my tears. I don’t know how, but I just shut off my emotions. I got so sick of crying I just didn’t want to feel sad anymore. I pulled myself from my brothers’ embrace and stood up, “ I’m fine. I don’t need all of you here right now.” I paused and looked at Dakota, “you’re probably exhausted; you should go and get some rest. I’m sure Vic has a spare bedroom you can use?” I looked up at Vic who nodded, “Yeah, I’ll just have to put some sheets and a blanket on the bed, but I have an extra room that you’re more than welcome to use.”
“No, I don’t want to leave if you need Me.” he stood up and gave me a worried look, I gave him a smile, “Thank you koda for caring about me, but some things I just need to do on my own. You need sleep, I know you; you probably worked and 18 hour shift and then got on the first flight here and didn’t sleep a wink on the plane because you were too worried about not getting to me, am I correct?”
He put his head down in defeat and I chuckled, “I knew it, the boys and Aliyah will take you to Vic’s and get you set up there. Austin will stay here with me until I’m discharged. We’ll come straight to Vic's once I’m free to leave, okay?”
He looked me in the eyes, “okay. But promise me that you’ll call right when you get the results for the CT scan, okay?”
“Okay, koda. I will.” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, picking me up and spinning me around in the process. Once he put me down I looked at the nurse, “Well, I guess I’m ready.” I gave her a weak smile and started following her out of the room. I paused and looked at Aliyah, “you better make sure that ya’ll leave now and Koda gets some rest, okay?” she nodded and held her pinky in the air, I did the same and then walked out following the nurse once again.
It was no time before the nurse and I got into the scan room and I was lying on the table. I heard the engine of the machine start up and the nurse’s voice of the intercom, “Okay Miss Vogel, just hold still, it wont take long.” I nodded and the bed started slowly slipping inside the white metallic tube. I was about half way in when the machine stopped and the bed was pulled out; I looked at the window in confusion as I saw the doctor come into the room to help me off, “What’s going on doctor?”
“Miss Vogel, you can’t have any X-rays done right now.”
“Why not?” I sat u as he helped me take the lead blanket off and helped me off of the table, “Because we got your blood work back and your HCG levels are doubled than the normal amount.” We walked back out into the hall and towards my room, “Okay? Doesn’t that just help you lose weight or something? I mean I’ve heard of the diet, but I’ve never tried It.” it was only a couple steps until we were in my room, Austin stood up and greeted us at the door, “Well that was fast.” I gave him a quick smile before, returning my attention to the doctor, “So what exactly does that mean?”
“Miss Vogel-”
“Please, call me Emily. It’s weird when you call me miss.”
He laughed, “Okay, Emily. We can’t do any x-rays on you right now, because you’re pregnant.”
My jaw dropped, “I’m what?”
The doctor switched his gaze between Austin and I and laughed, “Yes, I know it is a shock, but it seems that you were within 1-4 days into the fertilization cycle when you were in your crash.”
“How is this possible? I have that ring thingy for birth control. This is impossible right?”
“Well, Those don’t always work. I’ve had a few cases where I delivered a baby that was holding it in its hand. So, since you have it, we’ll need to set a date to take it out. It will probably hurt a little more than when you got it put in, but it will be healthier for your baby.”
“Are you one hundred percent positive that I am pregnant?”
“Well, there is a very slim chance that our test are wrong because you’re technically only a little over two weeks into the cycle. But the chances of it being wrong are one in a million.”
I gave the doctor a smile, trying to fool myself that it was a good thing more than him, “Well then. This is great news, at least I have once positive thing to think about on this day.”
“Great positive thinking, Emily. I’ll go and fill out my portion of your discharge papers so you can be on your way as soon as possible.” He nodded to both Austin and I and left us. We walked back into my room and collapsed on the bed, “ Is it a sad thing to say that I don’t know who the father is?” I nervously laughed and looked at Austin, “Well it depends, how many possibilities are there?”
“Just two.”
“Then no, it’s not that sad. Now if there was like seven, then yes; it would be sad.” We both laughed and I let out a sigh of relief, “I’m actually happy if I really am pregnant.”
“Well that’s good, I would hate to see you unhappy. But, what makes you so happy about it, may I ask.”
“It’s something positive in my life, I need positivity. I’ve had nothing but negativity the past couple weeks and it’s killing me.”
“Yeah, that’s a great way to look at it. So who are these two, ‘possible fathers’ you speak of? I know one is Jaime, but who’s the other?”
I laughed a little, “Mike.”
Austin sat up and looked at me, “Wait, Mike Fuentes? The Mike from the same band? The one who live down the street from you? The Mike that you met before everyone else in the band, the Mike that you told me you hated with all of your being and you wouldn’t even touch with a 39 ½ foot pole; you had sex with him?”
“Yes! I did! And to be completely honest it was probably the best sex of my life.” I laughed and sat up to look him in the eyes.
“When did this happen?” he gave me a mischievous grin and I returned it with an innocent look, “The night before my accident. So about two weeks ago.”
“Em, isn’t that also the day you broke up with Jaime?”
“Yeah, it was about four hours after I broke up with him.” I sighed and fell back onto the bed; Austin chuckled and did the same, “Well, well, well. Isn’t this interesting.”
“What?” I gave him a weird look, “Oh nothing, it would just seem as if you were going for the whole band.”
I gasped and smacked him, “You’re an ass! I am so not doing that and you know it! It isn’t my fault that when girls are sad they crave physical intimacy.”
The doctor came in just as Austin was about to say something, “Well, here is your paperwork, all you need is this young man’s signature and you’re free to go. Just make sure to pick up your pain medication at the pharmacy downstairs before you leave.”
“Thank you so much, Dr. Manning. You’re a life saver.”
“Just doing my job, ma’am.” He nodded and started walking away, I smiled and then it hit me, what happened to the girl I saw last night? “Doctor?”
He turned to look at me, “Yes?”
“What happened to the girl that’s three doors down from me? The one who got in last night, did she make it?”
“Yes, mi- I mean Emily. She did make it, she’s awake right now if you would like to talk to her.”
I thought for a moment, looking around the room. The baby’s breath flowers caught my eye, they were still perky as ever so I grabbed them, “We’re in a hurry, but would you mind giving them to her. Oh and will you give her this.” I handed him the flowers and grabbed a note card to write a note, I paused and looked at him, “Wait, how old is she?”
“She’s 16.” I smiled and wrote the note:
Hello there, gorgeous. My name is Emily Vogel; I was in room 456. I watched as they brought you in last night and I am so sorry for what happened to you. That shooting was at my apartment complex and my best friend lost her life last night; I watched as the doctors revived you. I truly believe that when my friend and your souls reached the gates, my friend told god that you needed your life back, to take her and not you. You’re only 16 years old; you haven’t even lived yet. I hope that you can overcome this traumatic event and live your life to the fullest. Remember to never live in fear and to always, always follow your heart. I love you very much, my sweet girl. I hope your day’s get brighter and brighter as the sun rises and sets.
Love, Emily
I finished the note and quickly gave it to the doctor, just in enough time to see Austin zipping up my backpack and handed me my toms. “I will make sure she gets this, have a great day Emily.”
“I will definitely try, doctor.” I smiled and slipped on my shoes. Once the doctor had left Austin and I did as well. We picked up my meds and quickly made our way to his car, once we got in we buckled and Austin looked at me; “are you sure you’re okay to drive right now?”
“Yes, Austin. I’m okay to be in a car right now, I trust you being behind the wheel okay? Can we just go?” I chuckled; he nodded and started the engine, taking off out of the parking lot. I smiled “Wanna get some food? We’ve got time to kill and I’m starving.”
“Sure thing, chickadee.”
I sighed and slumped in my seat, “Austin, will you promise me something?”
“Don’t tell anyone about me being pregnant; I just don’t want to say anything until I know for sure who the dad is, okay?”
“Sure thing, Em. Mum’s the word.” He smiled
“No, I’m serious Austin. You can’t even tell Phil and them.”
“I know what ‘not telling anyone’ means, Em. If you don’t want me to tell anyone, I wont.”
I leaned over the center console and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks Austin. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’re very welcome, Emersue. But I have one question.”
“Shoot.” I slumped back in my seat and pulled my phone out of my pocket.
“Can I tell my dad, please? He won’t tell anyone I promise. He’s got no one to tell.” He laughed and I sighed, “Fine, but only your dad. And if he tells someone and the word makes it back to Jaime and Mike; hell if it makes it back to any of the guys I will end you.” I gave him a glare and he put both his hands up in surrender and drove with his knees. I laughed and took a deep breath to calm the little bit of nerves that started to surface. I really hope today gets better. It’s taking everything I can to keep from bursting into tears.
“Guys, I’m home!” I burst through the door at Vic’s house and threw my bag up the stairs, Austin following behind me. Sebring greeted us at the door; I immediately dropped down and started playing with her, “How are you darling? How is my Sebring girl? Are you having fun at uncle Vic’s house, huh?” I looked up when I heard Austin chuckle, “What? Don’t you like her name?” I stood up and Sebring ran off.
“Oh, it’s awesome. I wonder where you got it from.” We both chuckled.
“Hey, Hun. So what’s the news?” Aliyah came out of the living room to give me a hug. “Oh, not much. We ended up not being able to take the scans.” I made my way through the living room where everyone was and into the kitchen. Aliyah followed me but Austin stopped and sat on the couch to watch Jaime and Mike play FIFA. Tony was just sitting on the couch by himself, staring at his phone.
I immediately went to the fridge to see if they had juice, but of course the Fuentes brothers refuse to get it. I slammed the fridge door and yelled, “Stupid Mexicans!”
Aliyah leaned against the counter folding her arms and laughing, “What’s got you so temperamental?”
I sighed, “Okay. I was gonna wait till later, but I have to tell you now; follow me.”
Aliyah nodded and walked with me; we made our way past the guys and started going for the front door when Vic stopped us, “Where you guys off to?”
I turned and gave him a smile, “we’re just going for a walk, that’s all. We wanted to see how the apartments are and if they have a bunch of yellow ‘police crime scene do not cross’ tape around them.”
Aliyah nodded, “I hope they don’t; I still need my scrubs.”
I gave her a weird look and she just nodded as if saying ‘I’ll tell you later’. Vic gave us a knowing look, shit we were caught for good. Dammit! I cursed myself.
“Well, I could use some air. I’ll join you guys.”
I smiled and nodded, “Okay, lets go then.”
We all went out the door and started walking towards the apartments in an awkward silence until Vic Broke it, “So, What’s goin on? I know you two; you hate walking. What’s the gossip, the down low, the sitch.”
I sighed as we walked passed the apartments that were now colored in red, white, blue and yellow. We continued walking, “Okay guys, I’m only telling you this because I have to tell someone besides Austin and you two have to promise that you wont say a single word until I say to do so. Deal?”
“Deal.” They said in unison, we made it to the park that was down the street and sat on a park bench, me in the middle of them.
“I went in to get the CT scan and just was my top half got into the machine, the doctor stopped it and pulled me out. When I asked him why he stopped it, he said it’s because when his team did the blood tests he found that my levels of HCG were doubled.”
Aliyah gasped, both of us had taken medical classes and had gotten our CNA licenses together, and she paid a little more attention than I did so she knew what it meant; but Vic was clueless. “Wait, what does that mean?”
“It means that I’m pregnant, Vic.”
His eyes grew wide, “What the fuck? My little sister is pregnant? Whaaaat?”
“How is this possible? You have birth control.” Aliyah asked, clearly confused.
“I asked the doctor the same thing, and he said that the Nuva ring thing doesn’t always work. He’s had multiple cases where the mothers never got it removed during pregnancy and they were born holding it in their hand. So I’ve got to schedule an appointment with him to get it taken out.”
“That’s crazy.” Vic laughed and sat back on the bench. I groaned doing the same, “That’s not even the best part.”
They both gave me questioning looks so I answered them, “I don’t exactly know who the father is. It could be Jaime or Mike, I had sex with each of them within 5 days of each other and the doctor said that I was probably 1-4 days into the cycle when I got in my crash.”
“Well that’s always great. Are you going to tell them?” Vic looked at me; I had a feeling that he was going to be the one with all the questions. I could tell that Aliyah had them as well, but she’ll just ask them later if Vic doesn’t ask them first.
“Well, yeah I’m gonna tell them. Just not right now. Maybe when the baby is far enough along to do a paternity test to see which one it is. With my luck, and my genes, I won’t show until I’m about 6 ½ months along.”
“Doesn’t the baby have to be born already in order to get a paternity test?”
“Nope, they use to have to. But now they’ve come out with a test that when the baby hits about 5- 5 ½ months along they can go in, take a little sample and do a test.”
“But can’t the hurt the baby’s growing process? Like can’t it screw up its genetics and stuff?”
“No, Vic. It does not hurt the baby, if it did they wouldn’t release it to the public.”
“Well that’s good. Are you at least gonna tell mom and dad?”
I gave him a confused look, “Vic, my dad left when I was ten and I don’t talk to my mom. I don’t have a mom and dad to tell.”
“No, I mean Ma and Pa Fuentes. They’re gonna wanna know.”
I laughed, “Vic, I’ve never even met them. How could they possibly want to know? I wouldn’t really care to know if one of my sons friends was pregnant.”
He gave me a nervous smile and I returned it with a surprised/a tiny bit scared look, “What?”
“I kind of told them that you had sex with Mike and that now you’re out of the hospital and pretty much living at my house in the guest bedroom.”
“Viiiic! How could you do that! Now they’re gonna immediately think I’m a slut!” I whined and turned towards him, but he protested, “No they won’t! I told them that you were drunk and that you wouldn’t even touch him if you were sober.”
“Oh well that just makes me seem like an alcoholic!”
Aliyah snickered behind me and I turned to glare at her for a moment before Vic started talking again, “No, they said that they look forward to meeting you.”
I got up and started walking back to the house, “I hate you, Fuentes! Now I hate both brothers with a burning passion!” both Vic and Aliyah caught up to me and started walking with me while they were hand in hand. Seriously though, what the hell did I miss?
“Well, you better like mom and pop. They’re commin over later to have dinner.”
I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster up, “Fuck you, Fuentes.”
“Nah, I don’t think Aliyah’s into that whole ‘threesome between best friends’ thing.” He gave her a cheeky smile and she punched him in the arm before laughing flirtatiously, “Oh Vic, you’re so ridiculous.”
“Oh Vic, you’re so ridiculous.” I mimicked Aliyah in the girliest voice I could which earned me a glare. “Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist, Aliyah.”
“Oh I won’t, cause then it’ll be harder to take them off later. For Vic anyways.” she smiled at me and I started making gagging noises, “ Aliyah that’s disgusting! Vic is like, 30 now. Old man balls, much?!” Vic gave a hurt expression, “sorry Vic, it’s true. You may not be old to your parents or Mike, but Aliyah and I are 21; you’re old.”
“Hey, he’s pretty damn good in bed, I bet he’s even better than mike.” Aliyah gave me a challenging look, so I stopped walking and turned towards her to accept that challenge. Vic didn’t know what was going on so he just stepped out of the way.
“I will take that bet.” I spit in my hand and held it out and she did the same and took it in her own, we shook and the challenge began, “Vic may be nice in public, but damn is he one dominant son of a bitch.” She gave me a smile thinking I couldn’t top it.
“Mike made it so I couldn’t walk the next day.” I arched my eyebrow, popped my hip and gave her a smile. She mirrored me, “Vic does it louder.”
“Mike made me orgasm 5 times in half an hour… With. His. Tongue.”
She gave me a look of defeat; I had won the little battle, faster than I thought I would. I would like to say that I was very pleased with myself. Both Aliyah and I looked over to see Vic with a mortified look on his face, which made us both laugh. He pushed his way past us and started walking to the house again. We followed, joking about how we scarred him for life, the rest of the walk home until we got in the living room.
When Vic walked in he had the same facial expression from when our little spat happened. “Dude, what happened?” Jaime paused the game and all of the guys looked at Vic.
“Emily and Aliyah had a competition on which Fuentes brother was better in bed.” He kept a blank face as he stared at the ground. Everyone but Jaime laughed and Mike looked completely intrigued, “Who won?”
“Me.” I smiled triumphantly
Mike smiled and I looked at Jaime, he looked like he was going to break the remote in half.
“So, what exactly was said about me?”
“Oh, just how you made me orgas-” Everyone’s eyes grew wide while looking at me so I trailed off, “What?”
“Oh do please continue, I really want to hear this about my little sister.” Dakota’s voice came from behind me being completely sarcastic. I turned to face him, slowly. “Oh, hey koda bear. How’d you sleep?” I tried giving him an innocent smile like I always used to in order to get out of trouble, but I don’t think that it’s going to help me this time.
“I slept very well, thank you. That was until I heard laughing so I thought ‘Emily and her friend must be home’ so I came down and I suddenly heard something about that Mike guy giving you orgasms; Ya know, the one who you told me that you would never sleep with because you were dating Jaime. All this time I thought you were still a virgin and our little sister was the first one to lose it out of the two of you. Other than learning that about you, I slept extremely well, thank you.”
“Well that’s good. Guess what, koda.”
“What?” he gave me a not so very thrilled face.
“You get to meet Ma and Pa Fuentes today. Yay!” I smiled and turned to walk away, realizing that, hey! I don’t have an apartment that I can hide in, nor a room! Well this is awesome.


So i decided to give you guys an update for the new year! i'm currently deciding on if i want to keep the story going past chapter 30. i have 29 1/2 chapters written so i'm not ending it quite yet. but, idk. i might update twice tonight, so if i do you guys better feel fucking special cause i'm getting in trouble by my dad just updating this once. maybe i'll be able to sneak it again later, idk. let me know what you guys think, yeah? I promise that it will all get happy soon! oh and BTW when the writing is like this it's like she's talking to herself, or in her head so to say. (:
okay, just a few questions:
1. who do you hope the dad is to her baby?
2. what do you guys think is going to happen next based on the previous chapters?
3. exactly how much do you hate me for killing off Charlie? haha
4. who's your favorite Ship?
5. who's your favorite character over all?
6. how much do you guys want me to update now? (;
7. How many of you guessed that it was her brother pulling her out before it said so?

I love you all and have a fucking happy new year!


Yay Sequel!! I Love This Story Im Very Happy There's A Sequel! AND YOU JUST USED A STAR WARS QUOTE! You Are Officially My Favorite Now <3

this-this so many feels cant

ishaluvsu ishaluvsu

yay okay, just message me when you want help my dear :3

taylorlovesptv taylorlovesptv

It's okay, I would've made a more lame joke. Haha and I will definitely come to you for help. :p

I MISSED YOU TOO, and dude, my comments are just too damn awesome ;)
yeah, i will totally help you, and if you need help writing them also i could give you hand BECAUSE I HAVE TWO, okay yeah i just had the urge to make that really lame jokeee -_- <3

taylorlovesptv taylorlovesptv