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Doesn't Really Matter

Seventeen - An Idea

A loud thudding on his door woke Tony up. He grumbled and pulled on his boxers before actually getting up. He slowly mad his way to the door, looking through the people to see the Fuentes brothers. So, he opened the door and they came rushing in.

“What do you guys want?” Tony mumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“We knew that if we didn’t come get you, you wouldn’t be seen or heard from until it was time to hit the road again,” Vic said.

“Yeah.” Mike agreed. “We can’t let you become some sort of hermit after all.”

“Well fine,” Tony said as he watched them move freely about his apartment.

“Dude, you going to close the door?” Mike asked as he sat on a recliner.

“Jaime isn’t coming?” Tony asked.

“No,” Vic answered, opening a bag of chips. “He said he things to do. I don’t know.”

“Oh,” Tony said, trying to keep the disappointment from his voice. He closed the door and took a seat on the couch, watching whatever Mike had put on TV. Of course, Tony wasn’t paying any attention to it. His thoughts kept wandering to the one and only Jaime Preciado. Tony swore that he couldn’t think about anything without Jaime creeping his way into his mind.

Why wasn’t Jaime here though? Of all of his band mates to force him to chill, Jaime was the most likely to. Vic was pretty likely too, seeing as he was the one to come up with this brilliant plan today. But still, Jaime was the one closest to Tony. He was always getting Tony to do things, especially just chilling.

Vic took the seat beside Tony with his laptop in his lap. After looking through it for a few minutes, the tiny ball of Mexican said, “We need to find some more ways to interact with our fans.”

“Don’t we do enough?” Tony asked, thinking about all the interviews and signings and how their fans randomly come up to the in public places.

“Yeah, we do a lot,” Vic agreed. “But I feel like we don’t actually interact with them enough.”

“Of course you don’t,” Mike said.

“Well sorry if I wanted to do fun things with our fans,” Vic said.

“You better be,” Mike said.

Vic then picked up a pillow and threw it at Mike. “Shut your face!”

“I’m just playing,” Mike laughed, throwing the pillow.

Vic was about ton throw the pillow when Tony stopped him. “Guys, can you not break my things?”

Vic set the pillow down and laughed. He looked through his computer a bit more before saying, “Oh hey, here’s some cool ideas fans have posted. We could collect their phone numbers and randomly call them.”

“Oh cool. I can have random calls now!” Mike declared.

“Never mind about that idea,” Vic said, reading through a few more. Then, he saw an idea and started laughing.

“What is it?” Tony asked.

“Truth or Dare,” Vic said, wiping the tears from his eyes. “You guys want to play Truth or Dare with our fans?”

“Sounds fun,” Mike said at the same time Tony rejected the idea.

“Okay, let’s have a vote,” Vic said. “Raise your hand if you want to play Truth or Dare with the fans.”

Vic and Mike raised their hands. “Looks like we win Tone,” Mike smirked.

“What about Jaime?” Tony asked, knowing all too well what a wasted effort it would be to get Jaime to vote against this idea.

Vic laughed. “Jaime is the one who sent in this idea.”


I can't stop referring to Vic as a Tiny Ball of Mexican. God, I need help.
You guys excited for their Truth or Dare Game?
Because I'm going to make you wait. Heuhehehehe.
Also, to all of that keep reading and commenting, I fucking love.


...are you coming back?

Omf pleeeeaaase update? I just spent god knows how long reading this entire story at once. I'm begging ;n;

XhimetimeX XhimetimeX

Need updates please I bed of you

Jaimes lullaby legitly the best thing ive ever read in my life xD holy shit <3 this story is perf

Ugh. Please update!! I'm so addict

Coffee_love__ Coffee_love__