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I Don't Know the Awkward Stranger to my Right


~*POV Mike*~

Ugh... My head... Where am I? Why can't I remember what happened?

I tried to open my eyes, but everything is blurry. I found myself slowly slipping back into darkness. I tried again, the room was clearer, but I still couldn't recognize where I was.

"He's awake!" I heard a female voice yell, "Nurse, he's awake!"

I looked over at the source of the voice and saw a girl sitting down at the edge of the room. She had very blonde hair and dark eyes. I tried to think if I knew her from somewhere, but I couldn't remember knowing her. I wasn't doing a very good job thinking at all actually...

She looked up and saw that I was staring at her. She smiled softly, stood up and walked over to me.

"You're probably wondering who I am," she said, approaching the bed I was laying in, "My names Jenna. I found you laying unconscious in a back alley in downtown San Diego a couple of hours ago. I called the police because you were barely breathing. If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing in a back alley in the middle of the night?"

I tried to remember what I was doing and where I was going, I couldn't, so I just shrugged. Like I said before, my mind wasn't really working right...

"Do you have a name at least?" she asked, concern lacing her voice, "Anything you were carrying with you last night was stolen by the guys that did this to you..."

I tried really hard to think of what my name was, to think of anything about myself that I could tell her, but I couldn't... I don't know a damn thing about myself or what I was doing last night, or... Anything...

"I- I don't know..." I said, my voice small and shaky.

~*POV Tony*~

I woke up to the sound of banging pots and pans. My head was pounding, my throat was dry and my stomach was rolling.

"IF YOU DO NOT LIVE HERE, OR AREN'T RELATED TO SOMEONE THAT DOES, GET THE FUCK OUT!" I heard Austin screaming, the sound caused and atomic bomb to go off in my head.

I heard people around me groan and sigh furiously. I decided to keep my eyes closed for a bit longer, dreading the hangover that I definitely had. Why do people do this to themselves? I groaned to myself at the sound of the door slamming and opened my eyes.

I discovered that I had somehow managed to fall asleep... Or should I say passed out, on Austin's table. I groaned and rolled over, trying to avoid the light that hurt my eyes.

"Here, this'll help," Austin said, he was sitting at the table with two cups of coffee, "I think you overdid it... Everyone learns about hangovers the hard way though..."

I sat up slowly and took one of the cups of coffee. I brought it to my lips and took a long sip, it was burning hot, but it tasted so good.

"Have you seen Vic, Jaime or Mike?" I asked, standing up. I held my head and tried to keep balanced. I ended up falling into a chair, earning a laugh out of Austin.

"Vic and Jaime are passed out somewhere in the backyard," he began, "But I haven't seen Mike yet this morning, maybe he left."

"I doubt that," I said, "He would of told one of us..."

"Maybe he told Vic or Jaime?" he suggested, "You should ask one of them..."

I nodded before walking out to the backyard. When I made it there, I squinted at the sun and glanced around for Vic and Jaime. This place is totally trashed holy shit... It also reeks of alcohol, vomit, and something I didn't recognize...

I kept searching until I found Jaime laying asleep in a lawn chair, I walked over to him and saw that Vic was curled up in his lap. That's adorable. They were both shirtless though... Drunk hookup? Perhaps...

"Jaime! Vic!" I said, shaking Jaime's shoulder, "Wake up!"

Jaime's face scrunched up and his hand went to his face, "Ugh... Tony, why? Why did I drink this much?"

"I don't know bro," I said, "I think we all overdid it..."

"Oh yeah," he said, sitting up a bit, "You're 21 now... Having fun yet?"

I smirked and said, "Very funny Jaime..."

He shrugged, "I try, now help me wake up Vic, I'm losing feeling in my legs..."

I laughed and got really close to Vic's face, "Vic," I yelled, "If you don't wake up right away I will chop off your balls."

This caused him to jump up about 6 inches and scream bloody murder, effectively killing my head. He landed hard on Jaime, earning a grunt from him.


I smiled at him and laughed hard. He sighed and laid into Jaime's chest, and again, they are fucking adorable.

"Hey Jaime," Vic said, smirking knowingly, "Happy to see me?"

Jaime's face turned bright red and he pushed Vic off. I laughed so hard I fell on the ground, Vic soon joined me and Jaime just sat there embarassed...

A couple minutes later we found ourselves walking around the property, looking for Mike. Neither of them had seen or heard from him since about 1 am... And I'm not going to lie I'm a little worried. Our car was parked in the same place it was when we got here... But seriously, where the fuck is Mike?


Sorry if it seems rushed, I told you Friday and here it is on Friday... You little shits better like it... I tried to put in some little things to make it funny even though major shit went down in the first couple of paragraphs... <3

Title Cred: All Time Low


Okaay...I'm crying. ;_; I can't believe he left.

xMareBear14x xMareBear14x
But dude, your stories are badass,&EHMAHGAWD I'VE READ STORIES THAT INVOLVE VIC AND MIKE&its gross.
Jaimestacobby Jaimestacobby
Bahahahaha :D
xMareBear14x xMareBear14x
I'm barely on chapter 3, &im getting pissed. xD
Jaimestacobby Jaimestacobby